Gita : Ch-11. Slo-43.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita:
Chapter-11. (Visvarupa-darsana-yogam)
Slokam-43. ( You are the father of this complete cosmic manifestation, the worshipable chief, the spiritual master. No one is equal to You, nor can anyone be one with You. Within the three worlds, You are immeasurable.)
pitasi lokasya caracarasya
tvamasya pujyasca guru gariyan,
na tvatsamostyabhyadhikah kutonyah
apratima-prabhava = immeasurable power (ever glorious glory);
tvam cara-carasya = You are moving and non-moving;
asya lokasya pita = You are the father of this universe;
pujyasca gariyan guru ca asi = You are the worshipable Supreme teacher too;
lokatraye api = also in all the three worlds;
tvat-samah na asti = there is no one equal to You!
The inconceivable potency of Lord Krishna is being declared with the words apratima- prabhava or possessor of unrivalled power, which having no other comparison is incomparable.
He is the original progenitor of all moving and stationary living entities throughout all creation.
Therefore the most dearest and most worthy of all honour and respect.
There is nothing existing or non- existing that is in any way equal to the Supreme Lord Krishna so it impossible for anything to be greater then Him collectively or individually.
The matchless, incomparable glory of the Supreme Lord Krishna is being proclaimed.
He is the original progenitor of all creation full of moving and stationary beings.
Being the preceptor of everyone and everything the resplendent Supreme Lord is most worshipful by all living entities.
As nothing is equal to Him individually or collectively in any respect then it is not possible for anything in all of existence to be superior to Lord Krishna in any way.
Lord Krishna's supreme, transcendental glory and infinite might is being proclaimed as the progenitor and maintainer of all creation filled with animate beings and inanimate objects.
In all levels of existence there is nothing equal to the Supreme Lord Krishna individually or collectively.
So it is clear that nothing is greater than Him in the present, nor was anything greater than Him in the past and neither will anything be greater than Him in the future
To be continued ...
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