Gita : Ch-11. Slo-49.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-11. ( Visvarupa-darsana-yogam) Slokam-49.(Your mind has been perturbed upon seeing this horrible feature of Mine. Now let it be finished. My devotee, be free from all disturbance. With a peaceful mind you can now see the form you desire.) ma te vyatha ma ca vimuddha-bhavo drshtva rupam ghoramidmrmamedam, vyapeta-bhih prita-manah punas-tvam tad-eva me rupam-idam prapasya. idrk ghoram mama = this fearsome, terrible Mine; idam rupam drshtva = after seeing this Visvarupam; te vyatha ma = do not afraid; vimuddha-bhavah ca ma = and do not get bewildered; tvam vyapeta-bhih prita-manah = you without fear, be happy; mama tat idam rupam ...