Gita : Ch-9. Slo-17.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita

Chapter-9. ( Raja-vidya-raja-guhya-yogam )

Slokam-17. {  I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support, and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable om. I am also the Rig, the Sama, and the Yajur [Vedas].}

pitahamasya   jagatah    mata    dhata   pitamahah,

vedyam   pavitramomkara   rksamayajureva   ca.

asya  jagatah   pita   =  father  of  this  universe;

mata   pitamahah  =  mother  and  grandfather;

dhata  aham  =  and   I  am  also   the  supporter/giver/sustainer/  of   fruits  of  activities;

vedyam  =  what  is  to  be  known   [ the  tattvam  (  essence )  ];

pavitram   OMkarah  =    pure  svarupa  and  the  syllable  OM;

rksamayajuah   eva   ca  =    the  Rig-Veda, the  Sama-Veda,  and   the  Yajur-Veda   also - I  am  only, it  is  certain.

The entire cosmic manifestations, moving and nonmoving, are manifested by different activities of Krishna's energy.

In the material existence we create different relationships with different living entities who are nothing but Krishna's marginal energy, but under the creation of prakrti some of them appear as our father, mother, grandfather, creator, etc., but actually they are parts and parcels of Krishna.

As such, these living entities who appear to be our father, mother, etc., are nothing but Krishna.

In this slokam the word dhata means creator.

Not only are our father and mother parts and parcels of Krishna, but their creator, grandmother, and grandfather, etc., are also Krishna.

Actually any living entity, being part and parcel of Krishna, is Krishna.

All the Vedas, therefore, aim only toward Krishna.

Whatever we want to know through the Vedas is but a progressive step to understand Krishna.

That subject matter which helps us purify our constitutional position is especially Krishna.

Similarly, the living entity who is inquisitive to understand all Vedic principles is also part and parcel of Krishna and as such is also Krishna.

In all the Vedic mantras the word om, called pranava, is a transcendental sound vibration and is also Krishna.

And because in all the hymns of the four Vedas, Sama, Yajur, Rig and Atharva, the pranava or omkara is very prominent, it is understood to be Krishna.

It is the Supreme Lord Krishna who is the foundation and source of all creation comprised of moving and non-moving things hence His relationship as father, mother, grandsire and patriarch is natural.

The word dhata meaning bequeather or dispenser denotes the original progenitor the Supreme Lord who is the real cause of all births distinct from the seminal birth from father and mother.

 He is vedyam whatever is perceptible by the Vedas being worthy to be known and He is the Holy sanctifier.

He is the indicator known by His personal sound vibration OM which is the root of the Vedas and He Himself is the sacred Vedas comprised of the Rig, Sama and the Yajur Vedas from where was extracted the Atharva Veda.

The spiritual knowledge spoken previously is further narrated here.

Rituals mean sacrifices of worship and propitiation.

True sacrifice means the renunciation of wealth by humbly offering it in the service of the Supreme Lord.

It is also stated in the Vedic sciptures that in relationship to the Supreme Lord the renunciation of wealth is considered sacrifice.

Lord Krishna states that He is the dhata or bestower of the fruits of one's actions.

He is vedyam or the essence of what is to be known and the sole object to be realised.

He is pavitram the one who purifies and sanctifies.

He is the His own personal sound vibration manifested in the sacred monosyllable OM and He is the sublime and perfect Rig Veda, Sama Veda and the Yajur Veda from where the Atharva Veda was extracted by Vedavayasa.

Lord Krishna confirms that He is the sustainer of all creation and the actual impeller of all beings to create distinct from the seminal birth of parents.

In this way He is the father, the mother and grandsire of all.

He is the ultimate to be known and He the purifying sacred syllable OM His personal sound vibration and He is the sacred Rig, Sama and the Yajur Veda from where the Atharva Veda was extracted.

To be continued  ....


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