Gita : Ch-5. Slo-17.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-5. ( Karma-sanyasa-yogam )

Slokam- 17. (  Those whose illusions are dispelled by knowledge, who are endorsed with spiritual intelligence, who meditate on the inner self, whocse faith is fixed and who have taken complete shelter of the Ultimate Truth attain liberation from the material existence. )

tadbuddhayastadatmanas     tannishthastatparayanah,

gacchantyapunaravrttim    jnananirdhutakalmashah.

tatbuddhayah  =  one who fully   understood    Paramatma ( the Supreme );

tadatmanah  =  himself    is    the  Paramatma,   experiencing    God-hood,

tannishthah   =    followed/ fixed   in   that   only;

tatparayanah  =  yogies    confirmed    in   that,    itself    their   goal;

 jnananirdhutakalmashah  =  with    jnanam    discarded     sins;

apunaravrttim  =  liberation  (  Supreme  state  God-hood );

gacchanty  =  attain.

Lord Krishna declares the means to attain that supra-conscious awareness that illuminates one's intelligence and leads directly to moksa or liberation from material existence.

The question may be raised when does true knowledge of the spiritual reality reveal itself? Lord Krishna describes this beginning with the words tad buddhayas meaning when one's intelligence is focused in Him and whose sinful reactions have been eradicated by spiritual knowledge. The purport is just as one shrouded in ignorance suffers samsara or the perpetual cycle of birth and death. One who by the strength of mind has perceived the atma or soul within is no longer affected by this transmigratory existence full of all types of evil and is untouched by the characteristics of samsara.

Lord Krishna uses the compound word tad-buddhayas meaning intelligence in the Supreme is referring to those who have their intelligence, intellect and consciousness fixed in meditation of atma tattva or realisation of the soul. The compound word tad-atmanas means with mind in the Supreme refers to those who make the atma or soul the singular focus of loving reflection. The intellect is merely the machinations of the mind but consciousness includes emotion which facilitates loving devotion within the heart. The compound word tad-nisthas means those who have complete faith in the Supreme refers to those who enthusiastically follow the Vedic culture and perform all that is necessary to attain the Supreme. The compound word tat- parayanah means those whose sole noble aim is devotion to the atma. The cultivation of Vedic knowledge gradually developes consciousness and removes all taint and dross. Those possessing the before stated qualifications when perfecting them attain the atma which is irrevocable and which when once realised insures there is no reverting back to conditioned and restrictive levels of consciousness which are of the nature of nescience and ignorance.

Lord Krishna is now stating the results of such worship. Those who are fixed and resolute in this spiritual knowledge, whose conviction is unwavering and steady, whose one aim is that, whose mind is centered in that, whose only refuge is that and that alone. Whose sins have been dissolved by atma tattva or realisation of the soul and by the grace of the atma one achieves moksa or liberation and attains the Supreme Lord.

To be continued   .....

Note : Yesterday due to reasons could not publish  this  slokam, please bear with us dear members ....



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