Gita : Ch-3. Slo-25.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-3. ( Karma-yogam )

Slokam- 25. ( As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, similarly the learned may also act, but without attachment, for the sake of leading people on the right path ( universal  welfare ).

Saktah karmanyavidvamsah yatha kurvanti bharata,

kuryadvidvamstathasaktah cikirshurlokasamgraham.

bharata = O descendant of Bharata vamsaja (Arjuna);

avidvamsah = Ajnani-s (ignorant people);

karmani saktah = attached to his karmam-s (swadharmam/ his duties);

yatha kurvanti tatha = in which way doing (doing karma-s) that way;

vidvan asaktah = jnani-s (learned people) without attachments;

loka samgraham cikirshuah = with the aim of  universal welfare;

kuryat = must do karmam.

In this slokam the topic of the previous two slokams is being concluded with Lord Krishna confirming that those great souls who have attained atma- tatva or soul realisation should perform prescribed Vedic actions for the benefit of the world out of compassion. As the ignorant perform actions being attached to the rewards contrarily one situated in atma-tattva should unattached perform Vedic activities solely for the welfare of the world. 

So one established as a person of spiritual wisdom should also perform prescribed Vedic actions without attachment in order to guide the masses down the path of virtue to redemption. Those devoid of knowledge of the Upanisads work with attachment engrossed totally in their actions. But the person of spiritual wisdom being able to discriminate between the atma or soul and the physical body is not perplexed and should act in an exemplary manner that inspires the public to perform prescribed Vedic actions as a matter of duty without attachment for the good of society. This what Lord Krishna means in this slokam.

A person in consciousness and a person not in  consciousness are differentiated by different desires. A  conscious person does not do anything which is not conducive to development of  consciousness. He may even act exactly like the ignorant person, who is too much attached to material activities, but one is engaged in such activities for the satisfaction of his sense gratification, whereas the other is engaged for the satisfaction of Consciousness. Therefore, the  conscious person is required to show the people how to act and how to engage the results of action for the purpose of  consciousness. 

To be continued  ...


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