Gita : Ch-2. Slo-53.

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita :

Chapter-2. ( Samkya-yogam )

Slokam-53. ( When your mind is no longer disturbed by the flowery language of the Vedas, and when it remains fixed in the trance of self-realization, then you will have attained the Divine consciousness.)

Srutivipratipanna    te     yada    sthasyati    niscala,

samadhav    acala    buddhiah    tada    yogam     avaapsyasi.

sruti-vipratipanna   te   bhuddhiah  =  in   the   memmory   of     so     far    heard     or    experienced     loukika     vishaya-s  

(worldly  objects );

yada   samaadhau  =   when  in  atma-svarupa  itself  (  in  transcendental   consciousness );

niscala  =  unmoved  ( steady );

acala  sthasyati  =  remain   firm;

tada  yogam  avaapsyasi  =   then  ( at  that  time )  you  will   achieve  Yogam  (   Self-Realisation ).

Lord Krishna further clarifies the same point in this slokam as well. The intellect that was confused by contradictory arguments in the Vedas becomes perfectly stabilised by the proper interpretation of the Vedas. Then equanimity of the mind becomes unshakable like the resonance of a drum. Then with intense meditation on the bliss of the supreme one shall attain communion with the ultimate truth within and succeed in all one's efforts.

The Supreme Lord Krishna further explains that when Arjuna's understanding which is now bewildered by the distraction of various scriptural conclusions describing actions which lead to heaven and actions which lead to hell, as well as worldly conceptions of possessing kingdoms and riches will get his mind fixed in samadhi or transcendental consciousness, then steadfastly focused on the supreme, not attracted to anything else due to expertise in yoga permanently is ecstatically enthralled thereby attaining the fruit of yoga which is absolute realisation of the Ultimate Truth.

The word nirvedam indicates detachment. When delusion is forsaken and all other signs of nescience and non-awareness disappears then detachment from the mundane arises and a living entity acquires the beneficial result from listening to the Vedas from a self-realised being. Thereafter adhering to the path established by the Vedas in mind and in conduct the uncompromised meaning derived thereof is apparent delivering with it an unimaginable experience of spiritual satisfaction. Thus communion with Lord Krishna will be attained through liberation by equanimity of the mind developed in wisdom by spiritual intelligence. Sruti vipraptipanna means not being influenced to act fruitively by the rewards given in the Vedic scriptures.

If one were to enquire further that after achieving indifference to worldly topics by performing selfless activities free from desire for reward, will equanimity manifest. Lord Krishna states that when our minds caught between the dichotomy of dualities due to hearing throughout our lives conflicting conclusions and adhering to false conceptions, with little or no knowledge of the ultimate truth and becomes steadfast. Then unshakable and fixed in the flow of all mental aspirations culminating in an unending focus of the soul, perceiving no other goal. One will immediately be in the state of equanimity as the fruit of equanimity is the gradual experience of the soul itself.

To say that one is in samadhi is to say that one has fully realized  consciousness; that is, one in full samadhi has realized Brahmam, Paramatma and Bhagavan. The highest perfection of self-realization is to understand that one is eternally the servitor of Lord and that one's only business is to discharge one's duties in his consciousness. A  conscious person, or unflinching devotee of the Lord, should not be disturbed by the flowery language of the Vedas nor be engaged in fruitive activities for promotion to the heavenly kingdom. In  consciousness, one comes directly into communion with God, and thus all directions from Brahmam may be understood in that transcendental state. One is sure to achieve results by such activities and attain conclusive knowledge. One has only to carry out the orders of Almighty or His representative, the spiritual master.

Lord Krishna begins this verse with the word sruti. Sruti refers to Vedanta which implies sravanam or hearing from them. For it is by the hearing of transcendental instructions that the mind is evolved as it begins to reflect and contemplate on the immortal, incomparable and exceedingly subtle nature of the eternal soul. When this consciousness which is by its very nature is steadfast and stable is firmly rooted within a mind purified of all dross and selfish actions, then at that time one shall achieve yoga and realise enlightenment. The understanding is that by practice in performing activities in the selfless parameters of karma-yoga with knowledge of the eternal soul as revealed in the Vedic scriptures develops an illumination in consciousness called sthita-prajnata and that by sustained effort of this consciousness one is gradually achieves self- realisation. Hearing this Arjuna next desires to understand the components of this unique consciousness. Is it achieved by willpower, by yoga, by knowledge of the soul, by detachment or is it a combination of all of the above? This Arjuna will question in the next slokam.

To be continued   .....


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