SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA: 2.7. Swami Advayananda.

=================================================================================================== Thursday 06, March 2025, 11:30. BHAGAVAD GEETA 2-6. Discourse 2 | Yoga of the Supreme Self - (72 Slogas) 2.2 ARJUNA ON THE DEFENSIVE (Slogas 4-10, 7 No.) Slogam 7: Arjuna Surrenders to Krishna Swami Advayananda. ======================================================================================= Slogam 7: Arjuna Surrenders to Krishna 1. Kaarpanya-doshah = Overpowered by the taint of pity upahata swabhaavah = is my whole being. 2. pricchhaami tvaam = At this point I ask Thee for guidance, dharma-sammoodha-chetaah; = for my mind is confused as to duty. 3. yah shreyah syaat = That which is for my ultimate good, nischitam broohi tanme = tell me that decisively. 4. shishyah te aham shaadhi = I come to Thee as a disciple; instruct me maam tvaam prapannam. = who has taken refuge ...