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SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA: 2.7. Swami Advayananda.

  =================================================================================================== Thursday 06, March 2025, 11:30. BHAGAVAD GEETA 2-6. Discourse 2 | Yoga of the Supreme Self - (72 Slogas)  2.2   ARJUNA ON THE DEFENSIVE  (Slogas 4-10,   7 No.) Slogam 7:  Arjuna Surrenders to Krishna Swami  Advayananda. ======================================================================================= Slogam 7:  Arjuna Surrenders to Krishna  1. Kaarpanya-doshah = Overpowered by the taint of pity  upahata swabhaavah = is my whole being.  2. pricchhaami tvaam = At this point I ask Thee for guidance,  dharma-sammoodha-chetaah; = for my mind is confused as to duty. 3. yah shreyah syaat = That which is for my ultimate good,   nischitam broohi tanme = tell me that decisively.  4. shishyah te aham shaadhi = I come to Thee as a disciple; instruct me   maam tvaam prapannam. = who has taken refuge ...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-3.8. - Swami Mukundananda.

========================================================================================== Wednesday 05, February 2025. 15:00. Srimad Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 3: Karma Yogam: (The Yogam of Action): 8. Swami Mukundananda. =========================================================================================== Slogam - 8. "Niyatam kuru karma tvam karma jyayo hyakarmanah sharira-yatrapi cha te na prasiddhyed akarmanah." =========================================================================================== niyatam—constantly;  kuru—perform;  karma—Vedic duties;  tvam—you;  karma—action;  jyayaH—superior;  hi—certainly;  akarmanaḥhthan inaction;  sharira—bodily;  yatra—maintenance; api—even; cha—and;  te—your;  na prasiddhyet—would not be possible;  akarmanah—inaction. ====================================================================================== Translation: BG 3.8:  "You should thus perform your prescribed Vedic...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita :66 - Swami Krishnananda.

  ================================================================= Tuesday 04, March 2025, 09:40. A Study of the Bhagavadgita: Chapter 10: The Hidden Meaning of the Seventh Chapter of the Gita-7. Swami Krishnananda Post-66. ========================================================== With this description of the devotees and the nature of the jnani, Bhagavan Sri Krishna gives the secret of how you have to adapt yourself to God's outlook of life. The reason why the Supreme Form, the Universal Form, said that nobody can behold this except under special conditions is because of the fact the outlook of that Almighty is not always possible for anybody else to adopt. If you can think like God, feel like God, work like God, and have attitudes to things as perhaps God has, that would be a fitness on your part. But who on earth can think like God? We do not even know how He will think and what He expects us to think. The difficulty in envisioning the very structure of God's consciousness...

Commentary on the Bhagavadgita: 2-4. Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================================ Monday 03, March 2025, 11:15. Books Srimad Bhagavad Gita Commentary on the Bhagavadgita: 2-4. Discourse 2: The First Chapter – Visada Yoga, the Yoga of the Dejection of the Spirit-4. Swami Krishnananda ============================================================================================== The sentiments, the inner subconscious forces, take possession of the individual, and finding the weak point of the individual sentiment, they take the opportunity to ambush and attack him, and the advanced spiritual seeker becomes a petty individual who is practically helpless: “God has not come; the world has gone.” At a particular time we will either feel that the world has left us or that we have left the world, but God has not come. That is the situation in which we find ourselves—neither this nor that, as if in a vacuum—and it is at that time that we can develop a neurosis or have a breakdown,...

The Moksha Gita: by Swami Sivananda: Commentary by : 2.1-. by Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================================================================ Sunday 02, March 2025, 10:00. The Moksha Gita: by Swami Sivananda: Commentary: 2.1. Chapter 2: The Nature of Brahman -1. Swami Krishnananda. =========================================================================================== Chapter 2: The Nature of Brahman Slogas-1&2 1,2. The Guru said: Salutation to Sat-Chit-Ananda Para-Brahman, that glorious first Preceptor, who is self-luminous, eternal indivisible, pure, spotless, desireless, attributeless, timeless, spaceless, changeless, beginningless and endless. The greatest and the First Preceptor is the Ocean of Satchidananda. It is the Inner Reality or the central Being of all. The promptings of the innermost Light of the Self alone are responsible for the spiritual progress of the individual. Even seeking a Preceptor will be impossible if the Permanent Self within does not throw the discriminative Consciousness upon the ...

Daily Invocations: 1. Swami Krishnananda

========================================================================================================== Saturday 01, March 2025, 11:30. Books Srimad Bhagavad Gita Daily Invocations:  Swami Krishnananda ================================================================================= 1.The Significance of the Satarudriya: The Rudra-Adhyaya, known also as the Satarudriya, occurring in the Yajur Veda, is a soul-stirring hymn offered to the all-pervading Almighty, designated as Rudra-Siva. He is present in auspicious, benign forms by way of sustenance of all things created, and also as terrible forms which He assumes at the time of the dissolution and destruction of the cosmos at the end of time. Apart from these two major aspects of the Supreme Reality, viz., the sustaining and the destroying, the constructive and the destructive—we may say the positive and the negative—there is an inscrutable, un-understandable mystery behind the envisagement of God-Being in our practical lives. T...

A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India: Swami Krishnananda.

===================================================================================================== Friday 28, February 2025, 11:00. Books Srimad Bhagavad Gita A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India:  Swami Krishnananda. ============================================================================================ Preface: There have been written several histories of religion and philosophy and it is not my intention to present here another chronicle along similar lines; for the task that I have taken upon myself is a different one. My purpose has been to suggest a proper method of the interpretation of values and a correct approach to the study of the religion and philosophy of India, which I regard not only as the right thing to do, but also essential to instil into the minds of students that perspective of life which can be safely called comprehensive and tolerant, rather than merely add some more information to the existing histories on the subject. It is...