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The Essence of Dharma: 7. Swami Krishnananda.

===================================================================================================== Thurtsday 20, February 2025, 08:00. Article Scriptures The Essence of Dharma: 7. Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on February 11th, 1973) =================================================================================== The universe, therefore, is everything. We can regard it as a person; it will speak to us as a person. We can regard it as a condition of consciousness. We can regard it as a place. Or we can regard it as a spirit. It is everything. I am everythingEverything is that only. I am death and immortality both, day and night combined. Immortality and death are both shadows of this Supreme Being. Even immortality is regarded as a shadow only. It is not Ultimate Reality. Immortality and death are both shadows, as it were, cast by the Supreme Being. What is it?  not existence, not non-existence. Existence and non-existence – both it is, and beyond that also. Such is the grandest,...

The Concept of God in Hinduism: Swami Krishnananda

=========================================================================================================== Wednesday 19, February 2025, 07:30. Article Scriptures The Concept of God in Hinduism: Swami Krishnananda. ============================================================================== The earliest statement of the Nature of Reality occurs in the first book of the Rig-Veda: Ekam Sat-Viprah Bahudha Vadanti. "The ONE BEING, the wise diversely speak of." The tenth book of the Rig-Veda regards the highest conception of God both as the Impersonal and the Personal: The Nasadiya Sukta states that the Supreme Being is both the Unmanifest and the Manifest, Existence as well as Non-existence, the Supreme Indeterminable. The Purusha-Sukta proclaims that all this Universe is God as the Supreme Person – the Purusha with thousands of heads, thousands of eyes, thousands of limbs in His Cosmic Body. He envelops the whole cosmos and transcends it to infinity. The Narayana-Sukta exclaim...

The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita- 2-1.. Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================================= Monday 17, February 2025, 11:00. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita- 2-1..   Chapter 2: The Battlefield of Life -1. Swami Krishnananda. ============================================================================================== We have seen that the occasion for the delivery of the Bhagavadgita was a field of war, which is conspicuous in its occurrence in the context of the Mahabharata. As we have observed earlier, the Bhagavadgita does not intend to tell us a story for entertaining in our leisure hours, but to give a permanent message for the salvation of the soul of the human being. That is why it is called a Yoga Shastra, or a scripture of Yoga. Whatever is said in this scripture is a sermon on the practice of Yoga, and the necessity for the teaching arises on account of a conflict in which one finds oneself at any given moment of time in one's life. Th...

The Tree of Life: 1.8. Swami Krishnananda.

  =============================================================================== Sunday 16, February 2025, 11:40. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita The Tree of Life: 1.8. Discourse 1: The Twofold Character of Cosmic Life-8. Swami Krishnananda. ================================================================================ The sorrows of life are the outcome of our subjectness to this urge of life to ramify itself into branches of experience and keep us unhappy nevertheless. If we are to seek for a concrete example of an experience between the devil and the deep sea, here it is before us. To live in this world in this condition is to be exactly between the devil and the deep sea. We cannot keep quiet. We are forced to run out of ourselves in search of various things. That is the deep sea on one side. But after searching for all the things in life, we are still in sorrow. That is the devil on the other side. Not to be seeking for things is sorrow, and not to find anything after the search is a...

SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA: 2.6. Swami Advayananda.

  ================================================================================= Saturday 15, February 2025, 08:30. BHAGAVAD GEETA 2-6. Discourse 2 | Yoga of the Supreme Self - (72 Slogas)  2.2   ARJUNA ON THE DEFENSIVE  (Verses 4-10,   7 No.) Slogam - 6.  Arjuna’s Intellect Disengaged:  Swami  Advayananda. =================================================================================== Slogam - 6.  Arjuna’s Intellect Disengaged:  1. Na cha etat vidmaah = I can scarcely say which   katarat nah gareeyah =  for us (the Pandavas) will be better:  2.  yat vaa jayema yadi =  that we should conquer them,   vaa nah jayeyuh; =  or that they should conquer us.  3.  yaan eva hatvaa na =  After slaying whom   jijeevishaamah te =  we would wish not to live, they  4.  avasthitaah pramukhe = stand facing us –    Dhaartaraashtraah. =  nam...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-3.7 - Swami Mukundananda.

Chinmaya Mission  On February 7, 2025, Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, was invited to speak at the Space Applications Centre (SAC/ISRO) in Ahmedabad. Welcomed by Sri Nilesh Desai, Director of SAC/ISRO, Swamiji addressed an audience of 400 scientists and engineers at the Yashpal Auditorium, with a parallel online session connecting other SAC centers. In his talk on Spirituality and Well-being, Swamiji highlighted the deep connection between human well-being and spiritual wisdom, drawing insights from ancient scriptures like the Upanishads, Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavatam, and Mahabharata. The interactive session sparked curiosity, leading to an engaging Q&A where scientists explored the role of spirituality in scientific thought. Swamiji also visited ISRO’s advanced laboratories and experienced the PLASIV (Planetary Simulation Immersive Visualization), gaining first hand insights into images captured by Indian satellites. This inspiring exchange bridged the wor...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita :65 - Swami Krishnananda.

=========================================================================================== Thursday 13, February 2025, 09:00. A Study of the Bhagavadgita: Chapter 10: The Hidden Meaning of the Seventh Chapter of the Gita-6. Swami Krishnananda Post-65. ======== ======================================= Arjuna knew the power of Sri Krishna and his ability, which did not consist in his actions, but consisted in his being. The sun does not act with hands and feet; the very existence of the sun is the activity of the sun. The very existence of God is the activity of God. The millions of soldiers that Duryodhana took were like drops, though they were millions in number. But Sri Krishna was an ocean which can swallow all the drops, though it was one. Numerical computation does not work here because the one is greater than the millions. So the jnani expects nothing from God. “I want to be free from distress; I want to be relieved of pain; I want knowledge; give me this, give me that – no! I wan...