
Showing posts from December, 2024

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-3.3. Swami Mukundananda.

================================================================================================== Tuesday 31, December 2024. 12:30. Srimad Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 3: Karma Yogam: (The Yogam of Action): 3. Swami Mukundananda. ====================================================================================== Slogam: 3.3 Sri Bhagavan Uvacha "Loke ā€™smin dvi-vidha nishtha pura prokta mayanagha jnana-yogena sankhyanam karma-yogena yoginam." ================================================================================== SrÄ«-Bhagavan Uvachaā€”the Lord said;  lokeā€”in the world;  asminā€”this;  dvi-vidhaā€”two kinds of;  Nishathaā€”faith;  puraā€”previously;  proktaā€”explained;  mayaā€”by me (Shree Krishna);  anaghaā€”sinless;  jnana-yogenaā€”through the path of knowledge;  sānkhyanamā€”for those inclined toward contemplation;  karma-yogenaā€”through the path of action;  yoginamā€”of the yogis. ===========================================================...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita :61 - Swami Krishnananda.

  SWAMI UDIT CHAITHANYA ======================================================================================== Monday 30, December 2024, 14:40. A Study of the Bhagavadgita: Chapter 10: The Hidden Meaning of the Seventh Chapter of the Gita-2 Swami Krishnananda Post-61. ======================================================================================= Now the Gita takes up this very subject in the Seventh and Eighth Chapters, etc. ā€“ the cosmic evolutionary process, the structure of the universe. The description of this reality of the universe becomes necessary for the purpose of enlightening the individual already perfected through the first six chapters for direct communion with the cosmic whole. BhÅ«mir āponalo vāyuįø„ khaį¹ mano buddhir eva ca, ahaį¹kāra itÄ«yaį¹ me bhinnā prakį¹›tir aį¹£į¹­adhā (Gita 7.4).  In our description of the Sankhya cosmology, we noted there is Purusha, Prakriti, Mahat, Ahamkara, and a threefold distribution of force into the adhyatma, the adhibhuta, and t...

Commentary on the Bhagavadgita: 2. Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================================================= Sunday 29, December 2024, 11:10. Commentary on the Bhagavadgita: 2. Discourse 1: The Colophon of the Bhagavadgita-2. Swami Krishnananda =================================================================================== Brahma-vidya is the art and the science of educating oneself in the manner of correctly perceiving the world as such, including one's own self, in the totality of relations, so that no partial vision of things can be regarded as a passport to the concept of the Absolute. Mostlyā€”or always, I may sayā€”our perceptions are partial. They are limited to certain conditions. It is a condition related to a marketplace, a railway station, a bus stand, an office, a factory or a house. These are the things that limit our thoughts, but we do not rise above the apparent outwardness of these conditions and go inside to the relationship of these things to other things. This is a v...

The Moksha Gita: by Swami Sivananda: Commentary: 2. by Swami Krishnananda.

  ============================================================================================ Saturday 28, December 2024, 13:00. The Moksha Gita: by Swami Sivananda: Commentary: 2. Introduction:2  by Swami Krishnananda. ============================================================================================= The method of Vedantic Sadhana is expounded in the Seventh Chapter. Adhyaropa should be removed through Apavada. Sadhana cannot be practised without first purifying the mind. After one gets established in the practice of the preliminary qualifications of the Sadhana-Chatushtaya, he is fit to start the actual Sadhana through Sravana, Manana and Nididhyasana. The Mahavakyas of the Upanishads indicate the identity of the Self with Brahman, and hence their meaning should be meditated upon. A complete renunciation of the three worlds together with their contents is necessary before starting Sadhana for Self-realization. Then only the Truth will be revealed to the seeker. T...

The Essence of Dharma: 2. Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================================================== Friday 27, December 2024, 12:25. Article Srimad Bhagavad Gita, The Essence of Dharma: 2. Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on February 11th, 1973) ========================================================================================= The structure of existence, the nature of the universe, is the determining factor of all activities of human life, so all life is spiritual. There is no such thing as unspiritual life. It does not exist, and it is impossible. Anything that is universally related is spiritual. You may be wondering why I am connecting spirituality with the universe; it is a very pertinent question indeed, to which I will return a little later on. Why should universality be connected with spirituality? Even physical science accepts that everything is connected with the universal whole, but it is not spiritual, so why am I connecting spirituality with the universal nature of th...

The Language of the Bhagavadgita: 2. Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================================================== Thursday 26, December 2024, 11:40. Article Srimad Bhagavad Gita The Language of the Bhagavadgita: 2.  Swami Krishnananda. (Gita Jayanti Message spoken on December 26, 1982) ============================================================================================== In religious lore and in mystical circles we hear of God giving darshan or vision to yogis, to disciples, to Gurus, to devotees, and to all those who look to Him for succour. In the Puranas we have instances galore of God giving vision to tapasvins, to devotees, and He speaks. How does He speak? In what language? God can give vision to any person in any country, speaking any language, and it does not mean that He will give vision only to people in India. But how does God speak? This is the difficulty felt by human language, or mortal tongue, in actually deciphering the way of God in relation to man. This is the reason why com...

The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita- 2 Swami Krishnananda.

  ===================================================================================== Tuesday 24, December 2024, 11:00. Srimad Bhagavad Gita The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita- 1   Chapter 1: The Universal Scope of the Bhagavadgita-2. Swami Krishnananda ====================================================================================== The Bhagavadgita is the kernel of this vast expanded fruit of the Mahabharata, which has matured out of the tree of the culture of India. The philosophic messages which are given in the various chapters of the Gita are dramatically portrayed in the characters of the story of the epic. The one explains the other. The narrative of the Mahabharata, the epic aspect of this great work, is a performance, in the stage of humanity, of the message that is to be conveyed in the form of the Bhagavadgita; and, when we look at it the other way round, the Bhagavadgita is what is intended behind the whole narration of the Mahabharata. The great autho...