
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Importance of the Bhagavadgita-3. Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================= Monday 01, July 2024, 06:20. Article Scriptures The Importance of the Bhagavadgita-3. Swami Krishnananda (Gita Jayanti Message spoken on December 26, 1982.) ================================================================================= The difficulty of Arjuna at the commencement of the war has been rightly considered as similar to, or rather identical with, the astonishing problem facing a spiritual seeker in his arduous struggle to move towards God and His realisation. Where to demarcate this point of difference between the ordinary conversation that might have taken place between Sri Krishna and Arjuna, and where it overcame this limit, we cannot say. All this is beyond us. However, it is certain that it grew into terrible intensity as it reached the Ninth or the Tenth Chapter perhaps, and it burst all boundaries when it reached the Eleventh. When the Eleventh Chapter records the conversation, it is...

Introduction to the Bhagavad-Gita- Part 1: Post-6.: Swami Krishnananda

==================================================================================== Sunday 30, June 2024 :06:50. Article Scriptures Introduction to the Bhagavadgita- Part 1 POST-6. Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on March 3rd, 1974) ==================================================================================== The Bhagavadgita takes us along this route of a triple understanding of Nature, God and man, together in their blending and integrality. The outer setting is the historical scene wherein we are told two forces were arrayed for a battle that was to take place. Everywhere you will find two forces, whether it is outwardly in the world or inwardly in your own self. Even in your own family, a small unit of a few members, you will find two forces working. Even in your own heart and your own mind, you will find these two forces working, sometimes one voice speaking, another time another voice speaking. You yourself will have a double message from your own self inwardly. So these two f...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-2.50: Swami Mukundananda.

  ================================================================================== Saturday 29, June 2024. 06:40. Chapter 2: Sankhya Yogam The Yogam of Analytical Knowledge =================================================================================== Slogam-50: buddhi-yukto jahatiha ubhe sukrita-dushkrite tasmad yogaya yujyasva yogah karmasu kaushalam ================================================================================= buddhi-yuktah—endowed with wisdom;  jahati—get rid of; iha—in this life;  ubhe—both;  sukrita-dushkrite—good and bad deeds;  tasmat—therefore;  yogaya—for Yogam;  yujyasva—strive for;  yogah—yogam is;  karmasu kaushalam—the art of working skillfully. ================================================================================== Translation: BG 2.50:  "One who prudently practices the science of work without attachment can get rid of both good and bad reactions in this life itself. Therefore, strive ...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita : 38 - Swami Krishnananda.

Swami Chinmayananda:  Here is a step to step guide to make your japa effective! Hit a like, and tag your fellow japists! Don’t postpone, start today! ================================================================================= Friday 28, June 2024 06:40. Chapter 7: The Entry of the Absolute into the Relative - 8. Post-38. ================================================================================= "Evam buddheh param buddhva": Thus, knowing that which is above your reason;  "samstabhyatmanam atmana": restraining yourself by yourself, restraining your lower self by the higher self of the adhidaiva consciousness, restraining your so-called ego individuality from its usual sensory operations by the action upon it by the adhidaiva, which you are really.  This is the meaning of "samstabhyatmanam atmana" restraining yourself by yourself. There are two yourselves: the lower yourself and the higher yourself. The lower yourself is what you look like, this...

The Importance of the Bhagavadgita-2. Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================= Wednesday 26, June 2024 06:20. Article Scriptures The Importance of the Bhagavadgita-2. Swami Krishnananda (Gita Jayanti Message spoken on December 26, 1982.) ================================================================================= In religious lore and in mystical circles we hear of God giving darshan or vision to yogis, to disciples, to Gurus, to devotees, and to all those who look to Him for succour. In the Puranas we have instances galore of God giving vision to tapasvins, to devotees, and He speaks. How does He speak? In what language? He can give vision to any person in any country, speaking any language, and it does not mean that He will give vision only to people in India. But how does God speak? So this is the difficulty felt by human language or mortal tongue in actually deciphering the way of God in relation to man. This is the reason why commentators on the Gita each have their own vi...

Introduction to the Bhagavadgita- Part 1: Post-5.: Swami Krishnananda

================================================================================ Tuesday 25, June 2024 :06:50. Article Scriptures Introduction to the Bhagavadgita- Part 1 POST-5. Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on March 3rd, 1974) ================================================================================ The ancient masters have hammered into our minds in these scriptures that we should not run after mere pleasure of the ego and the senses, the preyas, but should be able to devote a little time for the shreyas, or the blessedness of what we really are essentially in our inner life. This was the mission of a great master called Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa who wrote the Mahabharata, who recorded the Bhagavadgita for us, blessed be his name. His writings are so all-comprehensive that an old adage says Vyasochishtam jagat sarvam: Whatever is there in this world is nothing but that which is vomited by Vyasa. We cannot say anything which he has not said. There is nothing in the world of knowle...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-2.49: Swami Mukundananda.

================================================================================== Monday 24, June 2024. 06:40. Chapter 2: Sankhya Yogam The Yogam of Analytical Knowledge =================================================================================== Slogam-49: "Durena hy-avaram karma buddhi-yogad dhananjaya buddhau sharanam anvichchha kripanah phala-hetavah." ==================================================================================== durena—(discrad) from far away;  hi—certainly;  avaram—inferior;  karma—reward-seeking actions;  buddhi-yogat—with the intellect established in divine knowledge;  dhananjaya—Arjuna;  buddhau—divine knowledge and insight;  Ĺ›haranam—refuge;  anvichchha—seek;  kripanah—miserly;  phala-hetavah—those seeking fruits of their work =================================================================================== Translation: BG 2.49:  "Seek refuge in divine knowledge and insight, O Arjun, and di...