
Showing posts from April, 2024

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-2.39: Swami Mukundananda

  ===================================================================================== Wednesday  01, May 2024. 07:50. Chapter 2: Sankhya Yogam The Yogam of Analytical Knowledge =================================================================================== Slogam - 39. "Esha te ’bhihita sankhye buddhir yoge tvimam shrinu buddhya yukto yaya partha karma-bandham prahasyasi." ====================================================================================== esha—hitherto;  te—to you;  abhihita—explained;  sankhye—by analytical knowledge;  buddhi yoge—by the yoga of intellect;  tu—indeed;  imam—this;  shrinu—listen;  buddhya—by understanding;  yuktah—united;  yaya—by which;  partha—Arjuna, the son of Pritha;  karma-bandham—bondage of karma;  prahasyasi—you shall be released from. ======================================================================================= Translation: BG 2.39:  "Hitherto, I ...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita : 26 - Swami Krishnananda.

  ===================================================================================== Tuesday 30, Apr 2024 07:00. Chapter 6: Sankhya – The Wisdom of Cosmic Existence - 5. Post-26. ===================================================================================== So one aspect of your personality, which is phenomenal, talks in this strain, and the other aspect tells you that you are going to achieve infinite existence. God-realisation, moksha, is your aim. This is what your spirit will tell you again and again. Your aspirations are endless. Unending is the asking of the soul. Nothing in the world can satisfy you; not all the grain, not all the gold, not all the silver, not all the domain in the world can satisfy even one person. Not even one person can be satisfied by the wealth of the whole world. Such are the desires of man, like the flaming march of a conflagration in a forest. As there are two aspects of a human being, there are also two approaches to the problems of life. ...

The Three Types of Discipline of the Bhagavadgita - 4. Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================ Monday 29, Apr 2024 06:50. Article Scriptures The Three Types of Discipline of the Bhagavadgita - 4. Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on September 18th, 1974.)  ================================================================================ The second six chapters of the Bhagavadgita tell you how to take into consideration in real discipline of life the factors that are transcendent to your individual personality also. If you are a very well conducted, moral, intellectual, cultural person individually and yet know nothing about the outer world, you will be a failure in life. People will say that this man knows nothing of the world though he is a very good man in his own individual personality. As far as he is concerned, he is an ideal, golden man, but he has no idea about the world outside, and when he is in public, he is a failure. The Bhagavadgita wants you to also be integrated in your relationship with ...

BHAGAVAD GEETA: 70 - Swami Advayananda.

  ============================================================================== BHAGAVAD GEETA  Chapter - 2 Discourse – 2 (72 Slogas) “Yoga of the SUPREME SELF” Sri Veda Vyasaji ============================================================================== Saturday 27, Apr 2024 06:50. 2.10   THE PRESCRIPTION FOR ARJUNA  (Slogas 45-48,   4 No.)  Post - 70. ============================================================================= Slogam - 46: “Drink What you Need, and Leave the Rest”:  1  Yaavaan artha udapaane = As much use as a reservoir of water is   2  sarvatah samplutodake; =  in a place where there is a flood everywhere  3  taavaan sarveshu vedeshu =  so much use are all the Vedas,    4  baahmanasya vijaanatah. =  to the knower of Brahman who is ‘flooded’ by the Self. ================================================================================== This slogam relates to th...

Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God - Chapter-2.38: Swami Mukundananda

 . ================================================================================== Friday 26, Apr 2024. 06:30. Chapter 2: Sankhya Yogam The Yogam of Analytical Knowledge =================================================================================== Slogam-38. "Sukha-duhkhe same kritva labhalabhau jayajayau tato yuddhaya yujyasva naivam papam avapsyasi." ================================================================================== sukha—happiness;  dukkhe—in distress;  same kritva—treating alike;  labha-alabhau—gain and loss;  jaya-ajayau—victory and defeat;  tatah—thereafter;  yuddhaya—for fighting;  yujyasva—engage;  na—never;  evam—thus;  papam—sin;  avapsyasi—shall incur ======================================================================================== Translation: BG 2.38:  "Fight for the sake of duty, treating alike happiness and distress, loss and gain, victory and defeat. Fulfilling your responsib...

A Study of the Bhagavadgita : 25 - Swami Krishnananda.

===================================================================================== Thursday 25, Apr 2024 07:30. Chapter 6: Sankhya – The Wisdom of Cosmic Existence - 4. Post-25. ===================================================================================== Sri Krishna's point of view is that it is not possible to emphasise or stick to only one side of the matter. We are, as human beings, phenomenal as well as noumenal at the same time. We are immortal, and also seized with death. Something in us will not die, and something in us dies. We speak of ourselves in two ways: We are bound to die one day, and we are imperishable. The imperishability of our nature has to be reconciled with our perishable nature. The phenomenal aspect of our personality is the relative aspect of it, which is bound to transform itself continuously in the process of time, and this process is called birth and death. But metaphysically, noumenally, we are imperishable. The fear of death itself is the p...

The Three Types of Discipline of the Bhagavadgita - 3. Swami Krishnananda.

==================================================================================== Wednesday 24, Apr 2024 07:10. Article Scriptures The Three Types of Discipline of the Bhagavadgita - 3. Swami Krishnananda (Spoken on September 18th, 1974.)  ==================================================================================== Let each one close one's eyes for a few minutes and probe into one's own conscience. Am I in harmony with myself so far as my thought, speech and action are concerned? Do I not speak something which I do not really mean in my mind? Is my action not in harmony with my deepest demands of conscience? When there is a diversity of movement among the three functions – thought, speech and action – there is a split personality created within ourselves. We are not a complete whole. We develop psychopathic conditions. When the discrepancy among thought, speech and action is not very serious, it does not disturb us very much. But when it becomes a habit or second nat...