
Showing posts from July, 2017

Gita : Ch-13. Slo-13. Discussion-3.

12/07/2017. Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam ) Slokam-13. ( I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. This is beginningless, and it is subordinate to Me. It is called Brahmam, the spirit, and it lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world.) jneyam  yat  tat  pravakshyami  yatjnatvamrtamasnute, anadimat  param   brahma  na  sat  tannasaducyate. jneyam  yat  =   (which )  the  one  which  is  to  be  known  ( knowledge ); yat  jnatva  =  ( if  )  that  one  is  known ( knowing  that  knowledge ); amrtam  asnute  =  results  in  gaining  amrtatvm; tat  pravakshyami  =  that  I  will  tell ( teach )  you; anadimat  param   brahma ...

Gita : Ch-13. Slo-13. -Discussion - 2.

09/07/2017. Bhagavad-Gita : Chapter-13. ( Kshetra-kshetrajna-vibhaga-yogam ) Slokam-13. ( I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. This is beginningless, and it is subordinate to Me. It is called Brahmam, the spirit, and it lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world.) jneyam  yat  tat  pravakshyami  yatjnatvamrtamasnute, anadimat  param   brahma  na  sat  tannasaducyate. jneyam  yat  =   (which )  the  one  which  is  to  be  known  ( knowledge ); yat  jnatva  =  ( if  )  that  one  is  known ( knowing  that  knowledge ); amrtam  asnute  =  results  in  gaining  amrtatvm; tat  pravakshyami  =  that  I  will  tell ( teach )  you; anadimat  para...